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We will experience deep internal peace and

the power to love resiliently

NOT from trying to heal our human hearts, but rather in




To allow the human heart to completely break, to shatter, to melt away through the refiner’s fire for our



Personal Liberation

Remembering Our Divine Identity

Spiritual Fragmentation:

The disconnection from our Divine essence that begins in childhood due to human conditioning, emotional pain, and trauma that shift our view of ourselves due to negative feedback that causes us to forget who we truly are.


We Each Have                                            

You Still Have                                       
To Discover If You ...

Spiritual Fragmentations.

Purpose In The Pain

  • Have symptoms of PTSD, Complex PTSD, anxiety, or depression


  • Only allow yourself to feel happiness or comfortable feelings, “stay positive”, and silver-line situations to avoid feeling uncomfortable feelings 


  • Look to external factors (wealth, fame, prestige, titles, accomplishments, appearances, other people’s perceptions) to determine your or other’s worth/value


  • Avoid or dislike being alone or in silence


  • Feel lonely even in a relationship or surrounded by friends


  • Filter how much of your internal world you share because it does not feel safe to let others see your vulnerability


  • Feel "different" or separate from others in a way that prevents you from feeling part of a community 


  • Have built walls or a fortress to protect your heart 


  • Have a hard time letting those you care about “in” deep enough to feel truly connected to them


  • Inherently distrust others and/or yourself


  • Crave deep and real connection while pushing those who get close away


  • Numb out emotionally, disconnect from your body and stay in your head, feel the need to stay busy, or use addictions to avoid, minimize, or numb emotional pain 


  • Are judgmental or intolerant of others - especially those whom you view as different from yourself


  • Have surrounded yourself exclusively with people who agree with you and who are like you


  • Do not accept or embrace all of yourself- your uniqueness and imperfections


  • Feel the need to please others - believing it is your role to make others happy


  • Devalue, harm, or neglect human or animal life


  • Do not feel connected to a passion or sense of purpose


  • Seek to dominate or control life, yourself, or others 

Outdoors in Autumn
Image by amir soltani
Fragmentations Are The Portals To . . .
Our soul's wisdom and distinct spiritual gifts,
True liberation resulting in profound inte
rnal peace,
The purest essence of love, and
The power to create intoxicat
ingly deep and resilient relationships.

We Are Not Only Human . . . 
Within Us There Is A Divine Intelligence


Healing our own woundings and self-abandonment is our

greatest responsibility as adults.


Self-discovery is on-going, however, healing fragmentations

does not have to take years . . . 


YOU Can Restore A Fragmentation Within Hours.

Actively choosing the path of . . .


Transmuting Our Pain Into Expansion


Through our intimate relationships is how we will REMEMBER who we truly are and

UNIFY our homes, businesses, communities, 

and our world.

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If We Do Not Choose To Voyage Into The Fires Of Our Past To Discover The Wisdom Only Found In The Pain
And Release The Wound . . .

Our Unhealed Wounds Will Wound Others

The pain we do not want to face is oozing onto those we care about most,

yet we are blind to it.

This is a byproduct of the Human Default Setting.




essential processes for unfiltered access to . . .

Being Led By Our Soul's Wisdom.

As we choose to surrender to the
discovery of our experiences, the human aspects of our hearts
melt away in the refiner’s fire.  

Our hearts are expanded, refined, and purified, and the soul and heart
unify and become one.

What if you no longer needed to avoid or numb out painful memories or emotions because in them you discovered compassion, empathy, and your greatest treasures of wisdom?

What if you no longer needed walls protecting your heart to feel safe because you created safety within?

What if the validation, fulfillment, connection, safety, trust, and love you have craved and searched for outside of yourself came from within?

What if you could trust yourself and live connected to the part within you that cannot break, and is not marred by your experiences- your inner knowing and source of personal strength and power?

What if you deeply knew who you were- not generally, but specifically knew the Divine gifts that are uniquely yours, and how to use them to benefit humanity?

What if you chose who to marry from this place of connectedness to your True Self rather than the default setting of subconsciously choosing someone who perpetuates a painful pattern, to fill a void or loneliness, to rescue, or to be rescued?

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You Are A                         With
Immeasurable And Inherent
Divine Worth. 

Divine Being

If you have not lived a life that honors
that in yourself or others,


Start Now!

What We              Most...


Connection. Love. Fulfillment. Validation. Being Deeply Seen. Knowing Our Worth and Value. Purpose. Passion. Peace. Safety. Freedom. Power.

. . . Starts Within


Within each of us is a

Divine Intelligence with an unbreakable, superabundant heart. This is


Who We Truly Are.


Being present in relationships connected to this part of ourselves

gives us the power to love resiliently and create


                                      Transcendent Relationships.                                                    


Other Aspects Of The Journey:

The Art of Co-Creation

Once we are deeply grounded in our higher nature, and allow ourselves to be expanded by the wisdom found in differing views, we gain a powerful ability to partner

intellect with intuition and 



We become leaders who know how to draw upon the

magic of our collective gifts, harmonize polarities, and

create unity.


It is through these co-creative abilities that we will amplify the ripple effect of our Legacies and unify our homes, communities, organizations, and the world.

Legacy Creation

The Gift of Pure Presence

Redefining what is possible in our relationships through transcending The Human Default Setting that causes disconnection and division.


We become mirrors to the greatness within others through the quality of our presence and listening. 


This is the skill set that has the power to transform every relationship we have.

Transcendent Relationships

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